Okay, ladies! If I can do this photo challenge of posting a picture of myself every day through the end of the month with the WORST hair-cut I've had since 7th grade, you can let your family take a few pictures of you during the holidays, right??? (At least it only cost $6!!)
Speaking of hair - I've also taken on the challenge of going "no-poo". I think I'm on day 5, and I'm really loving it (although it is taking longer in the shower - go figure!). I'm one of those people who get really greasy if I skip even one day, and I'm not greasy at all. My hair is starting to have more body, and I haven't used any product. I first heard about this a month or so ago on the Consensual Living email group, and more recently saw it on one of the random blogs I read last week. Now if I can just get a decent hair cut!!
So - to the kitten on my neck: Lyra has totally captured our hearts. (She is one of the foster kittens from our first batch.) Yesterday, she laid across the back of my neck as I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen! She would rather be with us than anything else, so she sometimes rides in the car when we go places. She loves to fetch crinkle balls and small stuffed animals. She also loves to get and give kisses (she puts her mouth up to our face and kind of opens in and closes it again - it's pretty funny).
Almost every time we are in the kitchen she comes and sits at our feet and meows the tiniest little meow until we pick her up. Then she climbs up on our neck right away - I think it is so she can see. She always goes up my right shoulder and comes around and looks over my left shoulder. She was the runt of the litter, so I'm hoping she stays small, 'cause a 15 pound cat on my neck would be pretty uncomfortable!
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