Here's the deal: Type the answer to each question into a Google image search, and then pick an image from the first page of results.
1. Age At Next Birthday: 44.

2. Place I'd Like To Travel: Austria

3. Favorite Place: Our adopted home town - Corvallis!

4. Favorite Object(s):
My laptop:

My Camera:

and my Car:

5. Favorite Food:
Peanut Sauce:

and Chocolate:

6. Favorite Animal: Kittens!

7. Favorite Color: Autumn leaf colors - plummish purple (what's up with all the unschoolers loving purple??), golds, greens, oranges.
Here is the purple:

and here is what I came up with when I googled "autumn leaf colors":

8. My Nickname(s): Everyone's always thought Joni is a nickname, but no, it's just the name I've always had. So I guess I'll see what happens when I look for my online name, Galavanter.

9. Town I was Born In: Biloxi, MS - haven't been there since I was two months old, though! I picked this image because it was taken on my dad's birthday last year.
10. Bad Habit I Have:
Talking with my mouth full - yuck! I had to pick the ugliest of the images, since it's so gross!

Wanna play? Go right ahead!
Okay - somebody who's done this - please tell my how to get the images so they are clear and not all pixilated!!!
PS - and to kill two birds with one stone, I Image Googled my name and came up with, Ta Da!:

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