Part of the GUTS program is to use your "future self name" - mine is Joyful Wise One. I didn't actually think a lot about this name, I just let it come to me very quickly. One of my favorite activities in the GUTS program is a future self visualization. It is a guided meditation that allows us to converse with ourselves 20 years in the future. The idea behind this is that we all have all the answers we need inside ourselves, we just have trouble accessing them sometimes.
During the GUTS retreat in October, we were to dress as our future self. In all the visualizations I've had with my future self, she has been wearing long skirts and layers of natural fiber clothes. I try really hard to purchase only fairly traded clothing, so I felt strongly that my future self would be wear clothing that, if new, would be fairly traded.
Right after the retreat we went to Calistoga to celebrate my dear friend, Carole's 50th birthday. Just after the party she and a couple of friends went for a swim in the geyser-fed pool. I stopped by to take a few more pictures (I'd been photographing the entire party for Carole). I handed my camera (my Nikon D80) to Carole (floating in the pool after celebrating all day and an unknown number of glasses of wine) and she snapped this incredible shot - the steam coming off the pool, the full moon over my shoulder, and me in my future self garb.
So, here I am as Joyful Wise One. Every day I get better at living as Joyful Wise One. I know where I'm going, and that is more than half the battle!
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