Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We say "Sorry" too much

Last week I read in article in New Connexion, a free alternative publication, called "The Sorry Epidemic". The article is the reason I picked up the paper and brought it home, because I think about this every once in a while.

I think the word sorry is horribly over-used. It has become an automatic thing you say when you don't want to take responsibility. It excuses times like when we aren't paying attention, when we are running late, when we think we should be responsible for something but really aren't (like our kids behavior).

Saying sorry SHOULD mean that you didn't intend to do something and you will be making amends. But what it usually means is that you'll be blowing off any responsibility for what just happened.

The author of the article I read, Carolyn Campbell, decided that enough was enough. She would fine herself $1 every time she said she was sorry. I don't think that tactic goes along with the Laws of Attraction very well, but what she did end up noticing was her "sorries had prevented [her] from really standing up for what [she] needed, what was important to [her]."

So, I'm going to try noticing when I want to say sorry and see if I can come up with a more useful, accurate thing to say. When we leave sorry for when we truly are very sorry, it will be so much more useful of a word!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I read an article about a guy who named his dog "sorry". When the kids would say, sorry. He would reply, sorry is the dog, what do you really mean? Interesting tactic.