Monday, October 06, 2008

A Better Explanation

Have you heard the concept of the Law of Attraction (LoA)and feel that it's just too out there? Too steeped in magic, voodoo, new age weirdness?

The basic idea of LoA is that what you think is what you get (kind of). The popular book, "Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires" by Esther and Jerry Hicks is just one of the many books out there about this concept. The movie "The Secret" is just more of the same. The basic idea is a good one - a kind of be careful what you wish for and that our mind is a powerful tool, but all the LoA gurus out there seem to be focusing too much on material desires and not reaching the core of truth.

Sandra Dodd mentioned the concept in amongst a lot of other faith based beliefs over on FamilyRUN.ning and it really made me chuckle because she pointed out the fallacy of LoA - that so many people seem to believe that you can concentrate on getting anything and get it through LoA. The actual line she used was, "The other group wants desperately to believe in Ester Hicks and her imaginary friend, because if they believe those things they can be rich and happy." I love how silly she makes it sound because this really is how LoA is perceived by most people, thanks to the LoA gurus who make it seem so.

I believe in many aspects of the Law of Attraction, but I wasn't able to really, fully explain why I think it can be true, but not always true for everyone. It isn't a get rich quick scheme, get everything you say you want system, but that's what it often sounds like.

This morning I read an article by Martha Beck over on that explains it all so perfectly. In this article, she talks about "magic lists" and how they work and don't work. It all depends upon the place inside you that you are writing the list from. If you are listing out all the things you think you need to be happy, you may as well be spending that time digging for gold, because it would probably be time better spent. If, however, you are in that place of peace deep inside where you have already given up material desires and really visualizing an amazing future, you are well on your way to achieving your dreams.


ps pirro said...

Hi Joni, I laughed, too, at Sandra's framing of LOA and Hicks. Still, I do know that our lives tend to reflect our predominant thoughts, and that you really can change your life by changing your thinking.

But creative visualization (thinking) just sets the table. The things we do in the service of our creative desires are the way we pull up a chair and eat. We can't just hover at the edges of the room looking at all the lovely food and expect that will be enough. We have to ACT. And the more honest and heartfelt our actions in service to our desires, the more satisfying the meal.

Hmm. Food metaphors. Must be time for breakfast. xox, p

Joni Zander said...

YES! This is exactly right, and so well put. And when our stated desires AND actions are in alignment with who we are at our core - that's when the "magic" happens.