So off we go to the strangest play date we've ever had! Bekka came with us and helped Steffi get the chicken pox. The best thing the girls did was play hand-clap games, with Steffi ending each round by touching the pox on Sophia's forehead and then rubbing her eyes! (As I said, it was a very strange play date.)
We went through all the things you're not supposed to do (when you're trying to stay well).
Then we waited. And waited. And gave up the idea that she was going to get them. The doctors all say that the incubation period is from 10 to 16 days. We kept Steffi home during that time, since you are most contagious two days before the spots appear. When the official time was up, Steffi went to the Celtic jam Friday night, the folk dance performance Saturday night, church with her friend on Sunday (and lunch with the extended family after) and mini golfing and Gelato eating with our fellow GS troop members on Monday.
Steffi seemed a little lethargic on Sunday and Monday, but she only had one spot on her back, and it looked nothing like the pictures of chicken pox I'd looked up. When we got home Monday afternoon from Gelato, she had lots of spots and was feeling pretty crummy.

On Thursday she decided that other than being boring, having chicken pox really isn't so bad, and she was glad she decided to get them instead of the shot!
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