Thursday afternoon Bekka and I are in the car, stopped on Harrison waiting to turn into our driveway when all of a sudden we hear tires screeching and then, BANG! A car comes crashing into the back of our (formerly perfect) car.
In all my years of driving (jeez, 28 years already), I've only been in two accidents. One was when a 16 year old driver pulled out in front of me from a stop sign when I was about 30 feet from the intersection in a 35 mph zone and this one, a 17ish year old driver crashing into me while I'm waiting to turn into my driveway (breaklights engaged, turn signal on). Ugh! Not that I'm against young, new drivers, I just wish they wouldn't run into me and mess up my cars.
But Bekka and I are fine, and I figure it was a great driving lesson for Bekka (who hasn't gotten her permit yet, even though she could have months ago - waiting patiently for her to decide she's ready).

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