Friday, October 12, 2007

GUTS Retreat is coming!

I am SO EXCITED! My life coach, Reggie Adams is hosting her second GUTS (Giving Unbelievable aTtention to Self) retreat at the end of this month and I just can't wait! The first retreat was three or four years ago and it totally changed my life and helped me make great strides to being, living, who I want to be.

I will be spending a weekend with 20 amazingly real women, all of whom are working hard to be who they authentically want to be. I just know this is going to be magical and life altering.

My wonderful friend, Carole will be sharing this experience with me again and on her 50th birthday no less! The day after the retreat we are moving to a fabulous spa in Calistoga to celebrate the wonderfulness that is Carole.

This is just going to be the BEST weekend!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Ugh! Sometimes I just want to flail about kicking and screaming - why, oh why am I taking so long to be the person I want to be???

Why can't I just always be respectful to everyone and totally shut down those tired, old, judgemental voices or reactions?

How come I can't just accept everyone as they are and be that loving, caring person I SO want to be???

I want so many things about this world to change that I get impatient with all the little things and speak out inappropriately. I get frustrated at the unconscious rudeness all around me and I end up being rude to someone who just hasn't thought it through - how ironic is that??

I guess this is why it is a journey, rather than a destination...

Can anyone relate?