Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Ugh! Sometimes I just want to flail about kicking and screaming - why, oh why am I taking so long to be the person I want to be???

Why can't I just always be respectful to everyone and totally shut down those tired, old, judgemental voices or reactions?

How come I can't just accept everyone as they are and be that loving, caring person I SO want to be???

I want so many things about this world to change that I get impatient with all the little things and speak out inappropriately. I get frustrated at the unconscious rudeness all around me and I end up being rude to someone who just hasn't thought it through - how ironic is that??

I guess this is why it is a journey, rather than a destination...

Can anyone relate?


Anonymous said...

Sure can

self improvement takes a long freakin' time, I wish there was an instant method.

homemoma said...

welcome to the club :)

Beverly said...

I find it helps to change my expectations. I need to be realistic. If I make myself a cup of coffee and want to read the newspaper, I can't expect to do it without being disturbed by one of my three kids. I just have to expect that they're going to come asking for something.

dharmamama said...

I've found that the more I accept *myself*, the more I can accept others. The reverse of that is also true! lol I look at it like - what's happening outside me is a mirror to what's happening inside me. Instead of trying to be the person you want to be, can you rejoice in being the person you are? Warts and all, like Schuyler's blog says. The full catastrophe! lol