Monday, July 27, 2015

Joni's Amazing Pumpkin Pie

1/4 C Coconut Oil 
1 Date + soaking water to make 1/4 C
1 Egg
5 drops Vanilla (Medicine Flower Extract)
1/4 C Almond Flour
1/2 C + 2 T Coconut Flour
1/4 t Sea Salt
1 t Cinnamon

3-4 Dates + soaking water to make 1/3 - 1/2 C
3 Eggs 
2 C cooked Buttercup Squash (not Butternut) or other sweet winter squash
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t sea salt
1/4 t ground cloves
1/4 t ground nutmeg
Piece of Turmeric (about 1/4”)
Piece of Ginger (about 1/2”)
1 C coconut milk (full fat)

Soak all four dates in a small bowl of water 
Preheat oven to 350F, and place coconut oil in oven to melt

Make the crust:
Blend date, water, and egg until smooth
Transfer to a mixing bowl, add remaining crust ingredients and mix (don’t forget to add your melted coconut oil from the oven!)
Press into a pie plate 
Bake 5-7 minutes

Make the filling:
Blend dates, water, and eggs until smooth
Add all remaining ingredients and blend 
Pour into prepared crust
Bake at 350F for 40-45 minutes (until the center doesn’t jiggle)

Use only organic ingredients. 
Buttercup squash is a green squash with a disk on the bottom (or is that the top?) and is super sweet and wonderful.  They can be found at the farmers market and sometimes at the Co-op.  The easy way to cook it is to bake it whole for about at hour at 350.  You can then just scoop the meat out with a spoon.
I use Medicine Flower Vanilla (available at the Co-op) because it doesn’t contain sweetener or alcohol.  You could probably use your favorite vanilla extract instead - the Heart of Cooking recipe calls for 1 t.

A standard 9” pie plate is a bit too small for this, so either use a 9 1/2” pie plate or just make a small additional pie with the extra.

Recipe adapted from Heart of Cooking